Confidence to build on
We are firmly in 2021.
With that confidence to build on, we look to address the things we can do this year, to improve and create better living spaces, safer constructions and preserve and enhance our Caribbean way of life, even with all the new restrictions which we must absorb.
From security to environmental respect, strength, durability and storm preparedness, to rainwater harvesting and management, ECMIL is able to provide our region with the materials, experience and product knowledge to achieve and sustain better, smarter construction.
Construction companies and individual customers across the Caribbean rely on the quality, availability and affordable factory pricing of our well chosen product range, to meet and exceed ever changing regulatory standards.
We meet today’s storms
and environmental challenges.
We love choice in our rich island culture.
At ECMIL, it’s not just about steel, it’s about colour and style, to bring out the best in our homes and buildings. while meeting tight timelines and tighter budgets.
Our past year of confinement has allowed us the time to assess our home environment and, in many cases, driven us to improve, expand, refurbish and repurpose our space, to become our primary living experience.
If you have not already considered changes and are tired or frustrated with things as they are, review our products online, make a plan and discuss changes with a construction professional, then contact us and let us help you to make your makeover.
Our often wind and rain swept environment provides
a continuous stream of difficulties from erosion and deterioration. We maintain and constantly develop product quality to combat and manage these, by supplying our market with the best possible solutions to reinforce and confidently manage those forces of nature.
There are many steel materials in the market, from less than reliable sources, sporting remarkably favourable prices. We know our trusted sources and acceptable building standards, which our construction industry demands. Therefore we supply our market with best quality materials at ex-factory costs, maintaining our competitive edge, without compromising our customers.
ECMIL always welcomes new ideas, adventurous architects and customers, finding new ways to use our reliable steel products. We can customise, to realise your fresh concepts.
If the past 12 months has taught us anything, it is that we need to adjust our living spaces, look to more environmentally savvy ways in which we can improve ventilation, social distancing and the delineation of homes, to reduce potential risks, while staying truly connected, in a truly Caribbean way.
In essence, it’s about what we did before A/C, the joy of shaded balconies and a much better use of indoor, outdoor!
The joy of living in our region is our natural and often untouched environment.
However, as the world around us evolves and adversely affects our planet, so we must adjust to maintain and preserve our Caribbean way. Steel, is not only a durable material, but a solution which assists that essential preservation.
Review what you have and what you wish to add and do,
then contact us today.
ECMIL The Steel of The Region
NB. This is a news article for general information purposes only, not intended, at any point, to contradict or supersede official government directives in separate states, throughout the Caribbean region. Please refer to local standards and protocols accordingly, prior to taking appropriate action. As an incentive to the reader, information should be researched and advice sought from architectural and construction professionals, to confirm that the ideas expressed are possible within the building codes of their territory, or within the limitations of their construction's architecture. ECMIL only recommends their own products and third party products which they supply, as part of their company's construction solutions to customers.