2021 has been a roller coaster of a year!
As Covid-19 has become part of our global culture, we have all struggled with vaccines, distancing, masks and uncertainty. Contagion, percentages of the population, anagrams, and boosters seem almost commonplace.
As we head towards a predictably quiet and sanitised holiday season, we are thankful for what we do have, what we have achieved, and how we have and will continue to adapt, regardless of this uncertainty.
ECMIL’s culture has remained steady, continuing to supply quality steel throughout the Caribbean, with stable pricing and prompt delivery, even as shipping schedules, fluctuating material costs and container availability are at a premium.
Our dedicated staff continue to keep protocols
and commitments while managing the security
and satisfaction of our customers.
Locally we have experienced a rise in the supply of roofing, rebar, and fencing products, mainly due to post volcanic eruption reconstruction, in the north of St. Vincent.
Throughout the islands we serve, there has been some degree of continuity in the construction industry which has kept us,
and our shipping partners busy.
As the Covid-19 contraction continues, we do recommend that building materials whether shipped from regional or extra-regional sources, should be ordered ahead of usual schedules, to compensate for slow supply.
Given that it affects all, this could equally be applied to
pre-Christmas purchases to avoid disappointment!
At ECMIL we are committed to shortening the distance between the plan and successful construction, with the provision of our integrated range of consistently available, quality products and information to keep our customers engaged and supplied.
Construction in the Caribbean is the means to our security, community, and safety and has taken on a fresh significance in the last 18 months.
We applaud our resolute building professionals, who have worked under often rigorous, difficult and sometimes dangerous conditions and embraced new protocols, to keep the industry open in 2021.
It is only by finding new ways to continue our work, that we can assist the region in our economic and development recovery.
We are also grateful for the efforts of our shipping partners, in maintaining our supply chain to the islands and deliveries largely on schedule.
As ‘home’ has now become the unexpected office of the present and future, it has also renewed the energy and vigour of a great many DIY warriors, as they re-schedule their family’s lives to encompass more time to get more done.
The resurgence of these skills lies at the heart of how we do what we do best in the Caribbean. We adapt, make do, adjust the plan and strengthen our resolve.
Storm worn people know about difficulty and survival.
For those who would continue the hard work through the Season, there is still time to make a plan, a list of materials
and an order, whether rebar, welded mesh, chain link, poles
and fittings or, of course, beautiful Colorbond® roof sheeting, with all the trimmings!
Or maybe make the call to our knowledgeable sales department, to get an early start on that long awaited construction project in January ‘22.
The management and Staff of ECMIL wish our customers, associates and friends throughout
the Caribbean and beyond, an enriching Christmas and a safe, healthy and productive New Year!